On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Matthew Schalit wrote:

> > Stewart Adey wrote:


> > I have a feeling it's todo with ip_masq_ftp.  
> Nope, that module is used for outgoing ftp,
> not incoming.  It's used to help outgoing ftp
> work behind a masq'ing firewall.  Outgoing active
> ftp needs that help.

With older kernels, that was the case.  With 2.2.19 they merged some
capabilities into that module that help support servers.

> > As i'm a n00bie to this step-by-step instructions 
> > would be usefull.  Thanks in advance... STU.
> I defintely haven't had enough coffee yet for step
> by step anything :-o

I don't use Dachstein, and I don't run an FTP server, so I cannot give
step-by-step help.

However, you can learn about the issue by reading 
ftp://ftp.echogent.com/docs/FTP_and_Firewalls.pdf, and you can activate
the module support for servers by modifying modules.conf
("ip_masq_ftp in_ports=21").  You can ask Maxim Heijndijk
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> whether it worked for him, because he asked this
question last week.  And if it works for you, let us know (maybe write
down the steps you had to take to make it work).

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...2k

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