Pete Dubler wrote:
> So... I finally got nice clean download and got the hard disk going on
> my Dachstein system.
> (pick the right mirror and stomp on the shift key...)
> So, being faithful to Charles' HOWTO, I installed the hdsupp_s.lrp
> package.  Fsck cannot find a shared library and neither can I...  when
> the system boots or when I try to run fsck.ext2, I get the following
> message:
>     Parallelizing fsck version 1.12 (9-Jul-98)
>     fsck.ext2: error in loading shared libraries
> cannot open shared object file: no such file or
> directory
> I am running Dachstein and loaded the Materhorn hdsupp_s, which is the
> latest version I have found.  The disk is set-up precisely per Charles'
> HOWTO, except for the partition sizes (the names were not even changed
> to protect the innocent.)
> Any ideas... I am running out of them myself...
> Thanks to all,
> Pete Dubler
> Fort Collins, CO

When you try to run an application that uses system
files, you want to be sure that all the right files are
available for it work.

To do that, to find the dependencies, you can use another
program called ldd.

   ldd /usr/local/bin/fsck

would tell you what shared libraries fsck depends
on, and which ones were found.  Doing that on the
fsck you're interested in would tell you how
is not found on your system (in /lib or /usr/lib).
It may tell you others are not found.

Either way, make note of which libraries it still needs and
then go find them on Charles's site in his files.  Hopefully,
you'll find a libuuid.lrp package.  If you install that first, 
then that library would be available for fsck to use.


If you're using an older fsck.lrp package, it may
have been compiled so long ago that it won't run
properly on your newer dachstein kernel.  It will
give you an error if that's the case, which you
can post about if it occurs.

Good Luck,

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