> >I get the following error messages:
> >
> >gunzip: invalid compressed data--crc error
> >gunzip: invalid compressed data--length error
> >
> >Any ideas as to what might be causing these?

> This sounds like the well known Netscape for Windows problem. If the mime
> type is not set properly on the server then Netscape thinks the file is an
> ascii file and adds a CR to every LF, which then corrupts the files.

(-; (-; (-;

I know... That why I mentionned in my message that I didn't use Netscape... (ie 

This is taken from my previous message (the last two lines beginning with BTW (By The 

> Any ideas as to what might be causing these? Are the packages really corrupted or is 
>there some
> sort of incompatibility between the gunzip/gzip that was used with ES2B and the one 
>used with
> Dachstein? (BTW, I didn't used Netscape to download these so I would hope that the 
> are ok...)

[Oops, I had a typo there... I should have written "use" and not "used" ... )-; ]

> The only way to fix this problem is at the server. Unfortunately if you are 
> not the server admin this is not an option. The only user work around is to 
> use a different client. 

I used ie 6... I normally use Communicator (Netscape) but I always have a recent copy 
of ie just in 
case... (-; (-; (-; (Though I would gladly switch to Mozilla (Communicator has become 
too unstable
& has too many problems with web pages) but my profile is so big (I use it for mail & 
news too)
that it always tell me there's not enough space (I guess it wants to make a temporary 
file on my
C drive and while there is still a lot of space left on that drive there is not enough 
space to
copy my entire profile there...).

Does anybody have a working copy of that package or is anybody able to use the package 
on c0wz (or its

Thanks for the suggestion!
Have an Happy New Year!


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