> Here's how I understand the process for the Dachstein CD, please correct
me where I'm wrong. 1.) Download the CD .iso image and burn your cd with
your favorite CD writing software (Nero, Adaptec, etc.). 2.) Boot from the
CD to start Dachstein and load into memory. Since you'll need to (likely)or
simply want to make some changes (different NIC's, etc.), the menu gives you
an option to back-up your changes to a floppy??? is that right???  3.) How
do you get the changes that you've saved on your floppy on a CD??? That's
where I'm really confused. Thank you very much!

- Create a directory with the CD-Contents on a developemnt system...I use
linux, but you can use windows if your software will properly use the
floppy-disk boot image to make a bootable CD (Nero will, Adaptec CD-Createor
V4 won't...don't know about others)
- Do a full backup of the modified package(s) to a floppy disk
- Copy the modified packages to your CD-Contents directory
- Create a new CD image using appropriate software...make sure you use the
bootdisk.bin disk image to make the CD bootable.  The proper mkisofs command
is included in the CD-ROM readme.
- Burn your new CD

WARNING:  If you need to change root.lrp, the kernel, or any syslinux
settings (including root ramdisk size), you'll need to modify the
bootdisk.bin floppy-disk image...it's a plain 1.44 Meg disk image, and can
be manipulated with all the normal tools (dd, winiamge, rawrite, &c)

If all went well, you now have a bootable CD that should require no
configuration floppy.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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