I am very new to LRP and have downloaded the latest Dachstein floppy release. I am trying to get to
my internal web server from outside the network using port forwarding but am having no success. I have
read through some of the mailing list, but this confuses me more.

The firewall is running perfectly and I can get internet access from the clients inside the network.

My settings are as follows - eth0 - (external ip) - eth1 - (internal ip)

I am trying to forward requests on to

do I need to run the command:     "ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 80 -R 80"

as-well, because I have tried that too.

ip_masq_portfw in un-commented in the modules file as well.

Please help!


# IP Filter setup - can pull in settings from above

# TCP services open to outside world
# Space seperated list: srcip/mask_dstport

# Port Forwarding
# Remember to open appropriate holes in the firewall rules, above
# Uncomment following for port-forwarded internal services.
# The following is an example of what should be put here.
# Tuples are as follows:
#       <protocol>_<local-ip>_<local-port>_<remote-ip>_<remote-port>
# INTERN_SERVERS="tcp_196.33.41.70_80_192.6.31.253_80"                (HAVE TRIED THIS!!!)

# These lines use the primary external IP address...if you need to port-forward
# an aliased IP address, use the INTERN_SERVERS setting above
#INTERN_FTP_SERVER= # Internal FTP server to make available
INTERN_WWW_SERVER=  # Internal WWW server to make available
#INTERN_SMTP_SERVER= # Internal SMTP server to make available
#INTERN_POP3_SERVER= # Internal POP3 server to make available
#INTERN_IMAP_SERVER= # Internal IMAP server to make available
#INTERN_SSH_SERVER= # Internal SSH server to make available
#EXTERN_SSH_PORT=24  # External port to use for internal SSH access

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