Hello All,

How are you doing today? Good I hope.

I have another small problem that I hope someone might have an answer

The problem is this. I have 2 (real) DNS names that are pointing to
the same (real) IP. I then have my LRP firewall and some servers
behind it on a masquerade setup.

>From what I can find out, with Virtual hosting on my Apache webserver
machine, I am supposed to be able to have 2 different DNS entries
like www.test1.com and www.test2.com point to the same IP,
and the web server will bring up the correct pages based upon the
name that the user was trying to reach.

Currently when a user comes to my IP, the LRP port-forwards to my
masqd machine web server.

How can I handle these 2 DNS entries with my LRP and still only have
one IP?

All help would be greatly appreciated.
 Lonnie Cumberland
 OutStep Technologies Incorporated
 (313) 832-7366

 URL: http://www.outstep.com

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