On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Ryan P. Matijcio wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> I've started to notice FTP problems with an Oxygen firewall I have
> running.  The problem occurs on both unix and NT systems located behind
> the firewall.  I have found that all ftp transfers be they incoming or
> outgoing eventually freeze.  Although it appears that NT -> NT transfers
> are more stable, they too freeze after about 800-1500 files have been
> transferred.
> The firewall configuration is pretty simple.  It has two 2 ethernet
> interfaces, and proxyarp is being used.  I've included the seawall.conf
> file below.  One thing about my config is that I do not have any masq
> timeouts specified.  I was wondering if perhaps I should?  
> One thing I've noticed that I think is interesting to note is that this
> problem does not occur when using LeechFTP.   I believe this because
> LeechFTP tends to keep sending commands to keep the connection active.
> That's why I was wondering if it could have something to do with the
> masq timeouts.

I would say you have the answer, so proceed.

Alternatively, get away from ftp and use ssh/scp/rsync/unison or the like.


Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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