Thank you Matt & David for you replies.

Let me see if I can provide some more information for you.

I do not have any firewall enabled, nor is ipchains installed - the router
is wide open. eth0 is the outside interface - I am sure. From the router I
can ping anything anywhere, by IP and by FQDN.

I have enabled both interfaces to respond to ICMP, and like I said in my
first post I can ping both of the interfaces (eth0 & eth1) from the router
itself, I can ping the external interface (eth0) from the DSL router in
front of it, and I can ping the internal interface (eth1) from the
workstation behind it.

When I say that ping "fails" when I attempt to ping the internal interface
of the DSL router from the workstation behind the LEAF router I mean that
there is 100% packet loss - in other words ping just sits there until I
issue an interrupt at which point is shows the following message:

workstation:/root # ping
PING ( 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

Here is the output of the commands you requested:

# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ip_masq_autofw          2432   0 (unused)
ip_masq_portfw          2416   0 (unused)
smc-ultra               4168   2
8390                    6340   0 [smc-ultra]

#which ipmasqadm

Please let me know if there is more info I can include in the
troubleshooting report and thanks for all your attention so far.

Greg R

--- Matt Schalit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ray Olszewski wrote:
> >
> > <sigh> We need a FAQ answer for this one too (or do we have one?).
> >
> > LEAF basic firewalls by default block ALL private-address traffic on
> the
> > external interface. (At least Dachstein and Eigerstein do, and I think
> > Oxygen is the same in that regard.)
> Nope.  Oxygen has zero ipchains rules by default.
> In fact, you'd be hard pressed to even find ipchains
> on the boot diskette :)
> But then again, it's meant to load from more than
> one diskette, network, cdrom, ftp, tftp, whatever.
> You can squeeze ipchains.lrp on the first diskette
> though.  But that's another thread.
> As far as Greg's question goes, he's done a good
> job so far and made a good post.  But he left
> out a few things like the output of
>    [ which ipchains ] && ipchains -L -v -n || echo "Doh!"
>     lsmod
>     which ipmasqadm
> I realize that's along the lines of your post, though :)
> We just don't know if he's even has ipchains yet.
> (And the arp cache listing from the would help
> along with the exact failed ping output.)
> Best,
> Matthew

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