Hello Charles,

Reason why I need to have "setuid-root" on my pppd binary is that a
message saying:

"-pppd: must be root to run -pppd, since it is not setuid-root"

pops out each time I log my non-root account into my DS box.
I've tried the commands you've suggested, but still, the warning message
keeps on popping out.
I never had this problem before with the old ppp.lrp package (pppd
v2.2). Only for some reason,
I'm having problems making the old ppp package dial-out into my ISP. But
my non-root account/s
can definitely dial-in.
I really like to use this 2.3.11 pppd roll as it is already capable of
dialing out to my ISP. But first, I must figure out (I need help
actually) how to fix this problem.

.... and ofcourse my non-root user/s shell is "/usr/sbin/pppd"


----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Steinkuehler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 10:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] help on LEAF ppp.lrp (2.3.11)

> > Can anyone point me out to a link where i can get a linux
> > tool/source that can "setuid-root"the pppd binary that
> > comes with the package?
> No special tools necessary.  The setuid bit is just one of the normal
> "mode" bits used in *nix.  You see these modes when you do "ls -l".
You can
> set the mode bits with the chmod command.
> To set the setuid bit on the pppd binary, just:
> chmod u+s pppd
> If for some reason you have problems with this, you can run:
> chmod 4755 pppd
> to overwrite any existing permissions, and set the setuid bit in the
> process.
> You should end up with:
> -rwsr-xr-x
> as permissions when listed with ls -l...the "s" indicates user execute
> permissions, with setuid.
> Charles Steinkuehler
> http://lrp.steinkuehler.net
> http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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