Jacques Nilo wrote:

> I am :-). It takes some time to reach Europe :-)


> >   "Bering is a miniature Linux OS that lives entirely on a 1.68 MB diskette,
> > and it's purpose is to act as a router/firewall that connects two networks,
> > filtering the content to protect the internal network.  Bering is based
> > upon a tried and true router/firewall called Dachstein (version rc2), created
> > by Charles St[ei][ie]nk[ue][eu]l[h]er, sigh.  The Bering firewall uses iptables
> > for the firewall rules and Linux kernel 2.4.x as the base OS.  Running Bering
> > on an old Pentium with 32 MB of RAM is like using one of those Linksys or
> > DLink router-firewalls, except that Bering is much more powerful, capable,
> > and extensible."
> >

> I'll buy that description if there is no copyright attach to it.

   Everything I post to the internet, by it's nature, can't be copyrighted,
because the internet is the essence of free exchange.  Just because I
arranged a series of 1's and 0's in an interesting pattern does not give
me the right to claim that I am the only one who can do so.  But that's
a whole 'nother thread for a differernt newsgroup :-o

  In other words, you're welcome to it without restriction.
The problem I noticed with it right after I hit send was that
it didn't mention Shorewall, a fundamental aspect of making
it a router/firewall.

  So maybe the line would need to say:

upon a tried and true router called Dachstein rc2, created by 
Charles S_____ and upon the Shorewall firewall by Tom Eastep.

> Some news about Bering beta-4 about to be released:
> the initial loading of modules from boot/lib/modules now works 
> properly ifupdown has been fixed and do not use ifconfig and 
> route anymore (only ip) latest shorewall to be included
> Should be ready for testing tomorrow
> I would like to include in the doc two paragraphs about:
> Booting Bering from an hard disk

  This varies a lot with the syslinux version used and the
available tools to prepare the hard drive.  If you have a 
stable set of tools like mkdosfs, syslinux, and the like, 
then this wouldn't be too hard.  David made a lot of these
tools into .lrp packages.  I'll mess around with them some

  But I've syslinuxed an IDE drive and still had remenants 
from System Commander in the master boot block that screwed 
with booting to the syslinux boot: prompt.  So it's never a 
piece of cake, especially with syslinux going through so many 
revisions.  I'll see if anyone knows the best version so far.

> Booting Bering from DOC

>From an M-Systems Disk On Chip?

> Any volunteer ?
> Next on the list:
> ipsec
> Cheers
> Jacques

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