Well my friend tried udhcp - and for some unknown reason was not getting a 
broadcast address.  Possibly I configured the package incorrectly (I just 
used the defaults, and seeing as Roger's has moved to a MAC based assignment 
this should, as far as I can tell, work...  but something is happening 
incorrectly on their end for sure...

His IP which shouldn't change very rapidly (unless somthing has changed 
since I worked there) went from 24.42.252.xxx to 24.114.99.xx and then to 
24.42.128.xx - which is strange as previously IP blocks were fairly locale 
specific and static (depending on area growth)

Also the fact that the lease is only 7200 seconds (2 hours for the lazy) is 
very odd as it would at the very least cause tonnes of additional traffic 
(imagine 200,000 subscribers flooding your network with DHCP renewal packets 
every hour...).  And the fact that the renewal lease given is (around) 4 
hours past the time of the renewal (i.e. I got a 2hr lease at 1pm, my box 
tries to renew at 2pm - normal for dhcp AFAIK - at 2pm I get a new lease 
that is valid from 6pm - 8pm).  I would suspect that this would cause 
problems - like a total loss of connectivity - which is what is happening to 
my friend.

[begin weird anti/pro M$ rant]
I know for a fact that M$ boxes don't care at all about the time - just the 
lease duration (running an eiger box with the wrong time & time zone taught 
me this - people were receiving leases that wouldn't have been valid for 
days - but by sniffing I wasn't seeing any increased traffic).  For sure 
this is a problem with the M$ implementation of DHCP (just the security 
issues it raises are pretty big), but at this time it is an issue my friend 
would gladly accept....

Lynn, I will try to determine what was causing the lack of broadcast address 
at work tomorrow.  One of the particularly nice features of the udhcp 
program (assuming I can get it to work) is the "release lease" option.  This 
is necessary with my ISP if you want to change nic's without altering the 
MAC of the external NIC - or if you actually want some sort of realistic 
support from your ISP without pulling the NIC from your router and putting 
it in a M$ box... I guess they like blue screens and waiting for reboots....

Somewhat frustrated, but glad its not me,


>From: guitarlynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] Dhclient
>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 08:57:02 -0600
>On Thursday 21 February 2002 08:53, Simon Bolduc wrote:
> > There actually is no error - not in daemon.log or anything else for
> > that matter.  There was a line in the exit-hooks to restart seawall,
> > after the reload all section, but that was removed thinking it may be
> > the issue.  He's getting the same IP - so forwarding shouldn't need
> > to restarted anyway.
>OK, there have been a couple of posts indicating something similar
>in the last week. I ran into it while writing the scripts for udhcp.
>If this persists, why don't you try replacing it with the udhcp package
>(server and client) and see if this clears the problem up. If it does
>clear up the problem, post back .... I have a good idea what is
>happening (exactly) if this is the case and can submit a patch
>for dhclient.
>The udhcp testing package(s) can be found at:
>For general LEAF/LRP versions use:
>For Dachstein/Eigerstein/other Mountain versions use:
>~Lynn Avants
>aka Guitarlynn
>guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net
>If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!
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