Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> > I was not certain what it is that you want to see -- see below.
> >
> > tcpdump output, run on the local DCD :
> OK, this helps, but I'm still not sure what I'm looking at.  Which interface
> did you run the tcpdump on?  I'm guessing from the packet traffic we're
> looking at the upstream interface, and not the DMZ interface, but it's hard
> to be sure...
> Your first case:
> > [1] Internet host (a.b.c.d) query -> dmz host (w.x.y.66) via DCD external
> port (w.x.z.157)
> >
> > 14:47:11.577976 a.b.c.d.64861 > w.x.y.66.161: C=privateCommunity
> GetNextRequest(17) [|snmp]
> > 14:47:11.578411 w.x.z.157.64943 > a.b.c.d.64861: udp 107
> > 14:47:11.598985 a.b.c.d > w.x.z.157: icmp: a.b.c.d udp port 64861
> unreachable [tos 0xc0]
> > 14:47:12.600050 a.b.c.d.64861 > w.x.y.66.161: C=privateCommunity
> GetNextRequest(17) [|snmp]
> > 14:47:12.600443 w.x.z.157.64943 > a.b.c.d.64861: udp 107
> > 14:47:12.686292 a.b.c.d > w.x.z.157: icmp: a.b.c.d udp port 64861
> unreachable [tos 0xc0]
> <repeats>
> This is just wacky...looks like the remote system sends an SNMP query,
> followed by your firewall sending a UDP query back to the remote system.
> Finally, the remote system replies with a "destination unreachable" packet,
> probalby meaning inbound UDP packets are firewalled (or connection tracked).

Hence, my confusion . . .

> My best guess at this point is that your outbound UDP traffic is being
> masqueraded, and the packet:
> 14:47:11.578411 w.x.z.157.64943 > a.b.c.d.64861: udp 107
> is actually the SNMP response, being masqueraded by your firewall...
> NOTE:  All UDP traffic (other than DNS) is masqueraded from the DMZ using
> the default Dachstein firewall rules, which could explain the above traffic.
> Even so, the difference between [1], above, and [2], below, has me
> confused...something had to change between these two samples (or perhaps an
> unnoted change in the test procedure?).

Yes, same test; but, tcpdump on different interface -- see below.

> Your second case:
> > [2] Internet host (a.b.c.d) query -> dmz host (w.x.y.66) via DCD dmz port
> (w.x.z.157)
> >
> > 14:50:05.672129 a.b.c.d.64919 > w.x.y.66.161: C=privateCommunity
> GetNextRequest(3)[|snmp]
> > 14:50:05.672360 w.x.y.66.161 > a.b.c.d.64919: C=privateCommunity
> GetResponse(3)[|snmp]
> > 14:50:05.692707 a.b.c.d > w.x.y.66: icmp: a.b.c.d udp port 64919
> unreachable [tos 0xc0]
> > 14:50:06.682834 a.b.c.d.64919 > w.x.y.66.161: C=privateCommunity
> GetNextRequest(3)[|snmp]
> > 14:50:06.683065 w.x.y.66.161 > a.b.c.d.64919: C=privateCommunity
> GetResponse(3)[|snmp]
> > 14:50:06.702159 a.b.c.d > w.x.y.66: icmp: a.b.c.d udp port 64919
> unreachable [tos 0xc0]
> <repeats>
> This looks a bit more normal...what changed between this trace and the first
> trace?  Your description is identical.
> Here you're seeing the SNMP request, followed by an SNMP response, and
> finally the ICMP "destination unreachable" message back from the remote
> host.  It sure looks like "a.b.c.d" is firewalling or otherwise dropping
> your response packets...

a.b.c.d is an internet address on the external IF of a remote DCD,
behind which is the debian potato from which I tried to snmpwalk the
subject dmz hosts.

> Finally, we get to:
> > [3] DCD external port (w.x.y.65 - alias) query -> dmz host (w.x.y.66) via
> DCD external port (w.x.z.157)
> >
> > 14:51:46.455695 w.x.y.65.4709 > w.x.y.66.161: C=privateCommunity
> GetNextRequest(3)[|snmp]
> > 14:51:47.460138 w.x.y.65.4709 > w.x.y.66.161: C=privateCommunity
> GetNextRequest(3)[|snmp]
> <repeats>
> Here we've got nothing but the query response traffic at all.

This is local DCD to local dmz attempted snmpwalk -- identical query to
the previous, remote queries.

> Without knowing which port you're running tcpdump on, and some more details
> about your test, I can't help much more...
> Try to forget everything you know about your network architecture, and look
> at line [3], above.  To me, this is saying you're trying to access your
> internal DMZ host via SNMP from the firewall's external port.  For one, this
> doesn't really even make sense...if the firewall's talking SNMP to the DMZ,
> the traffic will be going out the DMZ interface, with a source IP of the
> DMZ's primary address.  I'm not even sure how you'd get snmpwalk or
> something to use the external IP over the default interface IP.  Not knowing
> which interface the tcpdump came from is also kind of limiting.

See ip addr and ip route output below.

> Any interesting results when looking at the packet counts in your ipchains
> rules?

No -- nothing is logged and when I subtract the obvious:
        # ipchains -nvL | grep -v '\(ACCEPT\|-l-\)'
there is nothing that I find interesting in remaining output.


I am sorry; but, I thought that I differentiated each of my examples. 
Is there away to get tcpdump to listen to more than one (1) interface at
a time?  -i any does *not* work . . .

This is the invocation, all examples run from the local DCD:

        tcpdump \
                -i $IF \
                -l \
                -n \
                ip \
                and not port domain \
                and not port ssh \
                and not port www

Example [1]: IF=wan1, snmpwalk from internet host

Example [2]: IF=eth1, snmpwalk from internet host

Example [3]: IF=eth1, snmpwalk from local DCD

# ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 3924 qdisc noqueue
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet brd scope global lo
2: ipsec0: <NOARP,UP> mtu 16260 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 10
    inet w.x.z.157 peer w.x.z.158/32 scope global ipsec0
3: ipsec1: <NOARP> mtu 0 qdisc noop qlen 10
4: ipsec2: <NOARP> mtu 0 qdisc noop qlen 10
5: ipsec3: <NOARP> mtu 0 qdisc noop qlen 10
6: brg0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop
    link/ether fe:fd:0f:00:5b:d9 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
7: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen
    link/ether 00:a0:c9:9e:57:70 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth0
8: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,PROMISC,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen
    link/ether 00:a0:c9:9e:64:83 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet w.x.y.65/26 brd w.x.y.127 scope global eth1
27: wan1: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100
    inet w.x.z.157 peer w.x.z.158/32 scope global wan1
    inet w.x.y.72/32 scope global wan1

# ip route
w.x.z.158 dev wan1  proto kernel  scope link  src w.x.z.157
w.x.z.158 dev ipsec0  proto kernel  scope link  src w.x.z.157
w.x.y.64/26 dev eth1  scope link dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src via w.x.z.158 dev ipsec0
default via w.x.z.158 dev wan1


Best Regards,

mds resource

Dare to fix things before they break . . .

Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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