
and the answer is..."syst_size=32M"

sweet...it booted fine (with a 32M root partition).  All I had to do was
copy libnsl.so.1 to /lib and perl was happy.  I am almost ready to

Thanks Manfred (and guitarlynn who almost had it right...the default is
specified in bytes, so syst_size=32 didn't work as expected)

Time to play around a bit :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Manfred Schuler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:17 PM
To: Adrian Stovall
Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] ramdisk_size question...

try syst_size=32M
I think you created a 32k ramdisk


Adrian Stovall schrieb:
> Okay...got one step further.  I found a post from Jaques that mentions
> syst_size
> <snip>
> 1/ TMPFS is used instead of /dev/ram
> /dev/ram0 is only used to boot initrd.lrp then the main filesystem is
> pivot_rooted to tmpfs and /dev/ram0 released.
> Three parameters can be introduced in the command line (but defaults
> should be OK in most cases):
> syst_size= max size of LRP filesystem (default SYSTSIZE=6M)
> log_size= max size of /var/log  (default LOGSIZE=2M)
> tmp_size= max size of /tmp (default remaining available memory)
> </snip>
> (which I was ignorant of before).  I added "syst_size=32768" to
> and got
> LINUXRC: LEAF Project - Initrd - Bering-Beta4
> Mounting a 32768 TMPFS filesystem...
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> Bus Error
> LINUXRC: Could not mount the boot device. Can't install packages.
> kernel panic: attempted to kill init!
> I'm sure this has something to do with the way my syslinux.cfg is
> but I sure don't know what to change.
> syslinux.cfg reads:
> display syslinux.dpy
> timeout 0
> default linux initrd=initrd.lrp init=/linuxrc ramdisk_size=32768
> syst_size=32768 root=/dev/ram0 boot=/dev/hda1,msdos PKGPATH=/dev/hda1
> LRP=root,etc,local,shorwall,perl5
> I have tried values of 32768, 16384, and 8192 with radisk_size, and values
> of 32768 and 16384 with syst_size, but I get the same error each time.  Do
> have to alter something else in syslinux.cfg (or some other file) to make
> this work?
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 8:01 AM
> To: Adrian Stovall
> Cc: 'LEAF (E-mail)'
> Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] ramdisk_size question...
> This is sort of off  LEAF , but I have had to compile my 2.4.7
> with 32mb ramsize. I really don't know if this is an issue in 2.2
> NOW, major contradiction!  In  /usr/src/doc  the ramdisk writeup
> specifically says the ramdisk is dynamic and will grow and shrink
> to accommodate.  This is a major contradiction of several HOWTOs
> and I don't know how to find the truth about how ram disk size works.
> Anyone out there knowledgeable ?
> Adrian Stovall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/27/2002 05:49:48 PM
> To:   "'LEAF (E-mail)'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:    (bcc: Phillip Watts/austin/Nlynx)
> Subject:  [Leaf-user] ramdisk_size question...
> Hi again all...I have a new question...I made sure (repeatedly) that I had
> entered "ramdisk_size=32768" in my syslinux.cfg file, however, df -k
> that /dev/root has 6144 blocks allocated (which are 100% used).  How do I
> convince my router that it's supposed to use what I told it to?
> I have 256 Meg installed in this machine, so I'm fairly sure that's a
> number to use for ramdisk_size...am I missing something?
> I've been searching the 'net for info, and will continue to do so, but
> haven't found anything yet.
> Adrian
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Manfred Schuler
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