Sorry , my 1st post didn't have a subject,
this is a repeat.

---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip Watts/austin/Nlynx on 03/05/2002
11:16 AM ---------------------------

Phillip Watts
03/05/2002 11:50 AM



I have an Eiger 2.2.16 that's probably pretty old.
Probably LRP  pre LEAF.

I'm totally lost in the cron/freespace/log trimming scripts.
But that doesn't really matter, I want to write my own scripts
with my own mail routines.

It seems that I need to restart syslog.  Just deleteing the messages
file doesn't seem to work.
When I restart syslog  everything is wonderful except that it logs to
the console also.  Which doesn't matter a lot in a router but its
kinda irritating.

I tried starting from /,  starting it from a subshell,  kernel message level 3
( its the ip logging that really messes up the console)
stopping ip logging until syslog restarted,  nothing works.

I tried the same thing on my RedHat development machine and got
the same results.  Something here I don't understand about syslogd
or klogd.
Any Ideas?  Thanx

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