>      I did find a way to test it and the reverse masquerading WORKED!
>      ( which I think is cute as hell and solves a major problem of
>          routes to the internet. )
>      With one problem.
>      When the ipsec connection is made, ipsec  INSERTS rules into the
>      forward chain.  They appear BEFORE the MASQ rules.  These rules
>      put in ACCEPTS for destinations to the vpn clients.
>      Clever fellows, made sure any reverse traffic would be accepted.
>      Problem is they superceded my MASQ rules.  No NAT, the packet can't
>      get back into ipsec.
>      If I rerun my firewall script after the connection is established,
> destroying
>      their rules, MASQ happens again and I can communicate fine.
>      If they had ADDED those rules rather than INSERTING them, I believe
>      would be well.
>      You don't happen to know of an option which overrides this behaviour?
>      I can't think of a clever way to watch for this situation and
override it
>      that would be timely without being burdensome.

This is done by the _updown script.  You can either customize the _updown
script, or use [left|right]firewall=no in your ipsec.conf file, which will
also prevent holes from being automatically created for the protocol 50
traffic, so you'll have to explicitly allow that as well.

IPSec scripts are in /usr/local/lib/ipsec IIRC...

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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