Bek Korn wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem on my dial up server where the computer picks up the phone fine 
>when I'm using hypertermanal but not with a ppp dialup, it says that the password is 
>not correct. I have it set up so it uses the pap-secrets file instead of the regular 
>login file. I dont have a dns server, I hope this will not impair the ppp connection.
> Thanks
> Bek

Hi Bek,
        Ok, so you can login using hyperterminal, which implies you are dialing
in using Windows and not using AUTOPPP in login.config (ok).  The
problem is probably with your ppp dialup script in Windows (you should
be able to flip a few switches to monitor or log what goes on).  It
works fine with AUTOPPP, but for text based logins it is probably
expects different keywords.  You can generate your own script by making
a copy of one Windows' scripts, and modifying it to match the router's
login process.  I am also posting this to the users group for additional
comments and insight.
        Good Luck,
        - Jon

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