I didn't follow all of that, probably because I'm using Eiger
and there are differences.
But here is what it came down to:
I gave up attempting to follow all the possibilities and
realized that exit-hooks was the "final" word.
So I put a script in the "BOUND" section to do exactly what
I wanted.
In my case it was a python script to parse the leases file
and build dhcpd.conf the way I wanted.
Could easily have been bash or ash and I could easily have
built it with some "custom" overrides, but the point is I now
have control of the process and it only took an hour or so.

Free software ain't cheap, but it's free.

Will Clements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/29/2002 09:21:48 PM

To:   Matt Schalit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Phillip Watts/austin/Nlynx)

Subject:  Re: [Leaf-user] dhclient and dnscache

--> >
--> > I recently setup a Dachstein floppy firewall/gateway for
--> > 1]  The machine being used is a Compaq P133, (and old
--> Don't know.  Maybe.
--> > 2]  I want to automatically update the external servers
--> People have described some sort of exit script that
--> you can cusomize that gets run just before dhclient
--> finishes and exits.  It's part of the dhclient package.
--> Check it's files and search the archives for dhclient,
--> exit, and/or exit hooks.  I don't run it but thought
--> I'd throw it out there until someone else replies.

Yea I thought about that but in my situation, I believe
the following occurs:

A) "/etc/init.d/dhclient" calls "/usr/sbin/dhclient" which
reads the dhclient.conf file and also parses the ISP lease

B) Because I'm using the "supersede domain-name-servers"
directive in the dhclient.conf file, the variable that
should hold the nameserver(s) from the ISP lease info,
instead contain the nameserver(s) from the dhclient.conf
file "BEFORE" control is passed to "/etc/dhclient-script".

C) Thus the nameserver variable passed to
"/etc/dhclient-script", (I believe its actually called
"domain-name-servers") has the wrong nameserver(s) assigned
to it.

D) Only "/etc/dhclient-script" calls/sources "dhclient-exit-hooks",
(I think), thus the "dhclient-exit-hooks" script does not
have access to the right nameserver info for me to
update dnscache at this point.

E) I seem my options as:

I could recompile "/usr/sbin/dhclient" to create another
pass through variable that maintains the original lease
DNS server info when the "supersede domain-name-servers"
is used.  I doubt I'll do this since I don't have a box/
virtual box to compile this on.

Or I could try to get it from the dhclient lease file.
But I'm looking for an easy way out with minimum effort on
my part.


Any thoughts on my line of reasoning?


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