
        In fact you are correct.  I bought two for two firewalls..  Development and
production, sorry, yes I know, I'm very anal and all my testing and such is
done on a development machine that exactly duplicates the production
machine, that way there's no surprises.

        I then bought several more and I've been using them in firewalls also...  I
am going to get a 256mb one just to try and get a whole Linux workstation in
it to see the speed.... But that's another story.

        I have in fact got Dachstein running on my DOM.  I have no problems with
any of the LRP/LEAF distro's running on the DOM's.  The only thing that is
necessary that most don't use is IDE support.  I chose to have IDE support
compiled into the kernel that way I don't have to depend on LINUXRC to start
the IDE module prior to loading the packages.

        If you need anything else just drop me a note.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Mirenda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 2:15 PM
To: Steve Fink
Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] Disk Difficulties

on 3/27/02 5:44 PM, Steve Fink at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Jacques et al,
> I too had difficulty with needing more space than one diskette would
> and making a ton of coasters was painful too.  So I went on to try 850mb
> hard drives and such...  But this seemed a bit wasteful, 2mb of data on a
> 850mb hard drive.
> I then found some IDE Disk-On-Modules.  They're awesome!  I originally
> purchased two Nagasaki 8mb modules ( http://www.nagasaki.com.tw/DOM.htm
> purchasable here
> http://www.bwi.com/scripts/site/site_category.php3/id/188 )and put them
> my IDE port on the motherboard.  At first I didn't know exactly how to get
> things going on them but it's really simple.
> Items needed:
> 1- LRP system (CPU, MEM, MOBO, etc.)
> 1- Disk On Module ( duh! )
> 1- Windows 98 Boot disk ( not a Startup Disk, just a plain old boot disk )
> 1- Syslinux Disk w/ syslinux.com ( for DOS ).
> http://freshmeat.net/redir/syslinux/10177/url_tgz/syslinux-1.67.tar.gz
> Step 1) Boot using the Win 98 boot disk fdisk & format the DOM
> Step 2) Reboot
> Step 3) type>lock c:<Enter> at the command prompt
> Step 4) Insert syslinux disk and type>syslinux this will take a few
> and then drop you to a command prompt again.
> Step 5) Insert your working LRP disk 1 and type>copy *.* c: it will begin
> the copy DO NOT overwrite ldlinux.sys or you're toast.
> Step 6) Insert disk 2 ( assuming you have two ) and do the same command
>> copy *.*
> Step 7) Insert disk 1 again and hit reset, we will now boot up to your LRP
> firewall
> Step 8) Hit q to exit lrcfg and get to the command prompt in your LRP
> firewall
> Step 9) Type mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /mnt
> Step 10) Type edit /mnt/syslinux.cfg change any reference to /dev/fd0 or
> /dev/fd0u1680 to /dev/hda1 Ctrl+q to exit y to save.
> Step 11) Type umount /mnt
> Step 12) Hit Reset
> Your new DOM LRP system should boot in about 14 seconds, or at least mine
> does and I've got about every package under the sun...
> Steve
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Steve, I have two questions regarding your (for me) mind-expanding post:

1) You say above that you bought "two...8-MB modules..." Did you need 16 MB,
or were these for two machines? If I was to buy modules for this purpose
today, how should I decide which size to buy? Cost is not a consideration,
but like you I abhor waste.

2) I see you used this medium to mount a Bering system. I just got my
DachsteinCD NAT/VPN up and running (like a Swiss watch, I might add, thank
you Charles et. al.). Do I need to retool with Bering, or can I stick with a
modified Dachstein?

Dale Mirenda

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