Support Requests item #539615, was opened at 2002-04-04 22:33
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Category: Release/Branch: Bering
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Mike Noyes (mhnoyes)
Summary: Adding sshd.lrp to Bering floppy - brief

Initial Comment:
This document assumes that you already created your 
Bering LRP floppy and that it works. However, like me, 
now you wanna put the router aside with only the power 
cord and the two RJ45 cables connected, and 
occasionally you wanna remote into it to check on it's 
configuration and log files, etc... This document 
assumes that you are not trying to access it from the 
outside just from within your network.

Download winimage from
Download sshd.lrp from

You may want to look at the following file for how to 
access your router remotely: with ssh.

I was not able to ssh into my Bering router. The 
sshd.lrp is about 161KB and it does not fit on a 1.66 
winimaged floppy. So this is what I did.

Started my router which is now confired and working, 
except ssh.
Downloaded sshd.lrp with my Windows 98 PC.
Formatted Created a 1.77MB floppy with Winimage and 
copied sshd.lrp to it.
Downloaded and ran Syslinux a:
Copied all files on my Bering working floppy to an 
empty folder.
Copied to floppy linux.lrp, etc.lrp, initrd.lrp, 
local.lrp, root.lrp, syslinux.cfg, syslinux.dpy, 
sshd.lrp, linux (kernel).
Also downloaded and copied to floppy. 
Under Windows 98 you need to name to 
libnsl because of the 8 character problem with the 
Booted floppy and copied to /lib.
Ran cd /etc/ssh/ ; ./mk...
Unmarked #exit(0) and backed up /etc
Created extra.lrp for the library by doing 
the following:
Created /temp/lib folder and copied from 
the mounted 1.77 floppy.
cd /temp
tar -cvf extra *
gzip -9 extra
mv extra.gz extra.lrp
Copied extra.lrp to floppy.
Added the rest of the lrp's; dhcpd.lrp, dnscache.lrp, 
modules.lrp, ppp.lrp, pppoe.lrp, shorwall.lrp, 
Added extra to the LRP= in syslinux.cfg
Restart and try ssh with PUTTY.EXE under Windows.
Make sure you backup your floppy with an image from 

This document is very brief. I will be adding full 
details shortly. For  any further questions you can 
eMail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Please no SPAM). 
Thanks. Ram


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