
For three years I used an old 486 running RH 5.2 as a router
box.  It was hooked to a cable modem one side and my local
network on the other. It also ran as a file server under
Samba, and used Apache to provide a web site for the local
network only.

Recently I graduated to Dachstein on a floppy because of
hard disk failure on the old 486.  Besides, I did not get
that much use out of the web site or the file server.  I
have run Dachstein for several weeks. Very happy with it.  I
setup all my local network machines to work off DHCP.

Last week I tried Bearing.  It worked fine for about a day,
then (when the previous lease expired?) my windows98 machine
was assigned a local network address in the 169.-.-. range. 
The standard Bearing release evidently does not support DHCP
for the local network.  I forgot to go back and reconfigure
the win machine not to use DHCP.  Evidently, if windows is
configured for DHCP and does not find a DHCP server, it auto
assigns IP addresses.  Just another of those 'special'
features that is not well documented and causes confusion.

So now I have a question.  What is the advantage of using
DHCP on a small local network?  I only have five computers
on the network.  Would I be better off to manually assign IP

The only reason I used DHCP on the local network was because
Dachstein provided it.  I did not select DHCP because I
thought I needed it.  However, it did work and was
convenient.  Are there better reasons to use DHCP on a local

Thanks in advance,
Frank Kamp

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