Oh do you have any information ? nothing ? scary stuff hamm..

come-on you must have something.. even normal tcpdump -n will give you some
kind of a picture

from your public DMZ server what kind of  service world or you get, give us
some more details, config etc
I am sure you have holls in your firewall rules

else you are running Windows Box as your DMZ server while all the ports open

Please give us more information

Upnet Joe

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 6:38 AM
Subject: [Leaf-user] Under attack

> Hi
> I'm running Dachstein 1.02.  With a public IP DMZ plus some masqueraded
> workstations.
> We are connected via a shared 10/100 link to our ISP.
> Recently we've come under attack, but I can't figure out where or what by.
> The first I noticed was very high internet use reported by our ISP.
> 100 times our normal traffic.
> What's my best solution for tracing this traffic,
> I have run tried iptraf and snort,
> but I don't seem to be getting the data in a useful format.
> What I think I need is to find out:
>   how much traffic is my firewall receiving (on the external port)
>   how much is being transmitted
>   which internal machines receive the most traffic, how much traffic is
> Thanks in advance
> Greg Ford
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