Is there a certain method for making a new link work right when backing
it up to Eiger boot disk?

I added a new link:
ln -s /etc/ilink.235 -> /etc/rc2.d/S40ilink.235

Which is to set some port forwarding rules at boot up.
Ok, I make the sym link and go to lrcfg and backup etc.
I even check the etc.lrp with tar on another machine and the link is in
the etc.lrp file. Snip of tar -tvzf output

lrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2002-04-19 13:23 etc/rc2.d/S10watchdog ->
lrwxrwxrwx root/root         0 2002-04-19 13:26 etc/rc2.d/S40ilink.235
-> /etc/ilink.235

So, it's there. But, after booting the link does not exist in the ram
So, what am I missing?


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