Support Requests item #539331, was opened at 2002-04-04 08:53
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Category: Release/Branch: Dachstein
Group: None
>Status: Closed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Mike Noyes (mhnoyes)
>Summary: hardware nic modules:  stop routing

Initial Comment:
Hi, been using lrp for over 6 mo. now...really great
learning experience...but have had some problems in the
past in as far as the router will just stop routing.
I have access to a number of different nic
cards...tulip, rtl8139,natsemi, 3c509.
Oddities like an eth2 showing up in the logs (I only
have 2 nics) with the tulip drivers.

Have tried different combinations of each with the
dachstein and bering releases, but allways the same
thing, will route for a day or 2 at best then for no
paticular reason stop. 

I have settled on an 8139 generic card for eth1 and a
3c509 10M card for runs 'til I shut it down
with no quirks...I guess what I am getting at is how
much does compatibility between the electronics figure
into the scheme of this (i have a toshiba cable modem)
and I dont even think about the router anymore, I have
every confidence in it!

Is there any substance to this observation?
Anyone have any thoughts on the subject or does it
sound like a bunch of superstitious hooey?
Thanks for reading.


>Comment By: Mike Noyes (mhnoyes)
Date: 2002-04-23 06:29

Logged In: YES 

Based on the most recent comment on this support request, it 
is our understanding that this matter has been addressed. 
Should you require further assistance from the 
LEAF project members, please submit a new support request.

Thank you, support


Comment By: mabaker (itzame)
Date: 2002-04-06 05:42

Logged In: YES 

Hi Mr Noyes,

Could be logs and we use dhcp here...I have a dx4 100 with 
64M ram on a no name board that looks to be an aopen or 
acer I make the ramdisk for the logs 8M...and i do get the 
usual junk in there being on a vlan (RR DNS GRRR) any 
rate it performs well now, I was really just curious if 
anyone has had a paticular card perform better or worse on 
their systems.


Comment By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Date: 2002-04-04 22:37

Logged In: NO 

It may be that the log files are filling up and taking up 
all your memory. You may want to add more memory or disable 
the log files. I don't know how to disable them but I can 
find out then get back with you later.


Comment By: Mike Noyes (mhnoyes)
Date: 2002-04-04 18:37

Logged In: YES 

There could be. We need more information. Are you using
DHCP? Were the NICs tested in the same machine? What ISP are
you using? What is your LAN configuration? etc.

Suggestions for information that will help us help you are in:


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