I don't know exactly what your problem is, but "3 minutes" is a big hint.
This length of delay is usually associated with a reverse-lookup failure.
Your DNS resolver is trying to get the name associated with some IP address
and failing to do so; it waits for 3 minutes before timing out.

How to fix it? That depends on the details of your setup, which will tell
you what address the router is trying to look up (probably at the behest of
syslogd, based on your report). You might add an appropriate entry to your
DNS server, or you might put an entry in the router's /etc/hosts file ... or
maybe something else I'm not thinking of this early in the morning.

Without knowing the details of your setup, I cannot offer more specific
advice. Except that this is, almost surely, not a problem with syslogd
itself, so switching to a "better" one won't fix it.

At 10:38 AM 4/23/02 +0200, Rissone Ruggero wrote:
>I'm a newbie in LRP world and I have a question on Bering distro.
>During the boot, syslogd waits for more than 3 minutes prior to continue
>the boot sequence.
>I've disabled all the logging functions without any changes in the delay
>Is it possible to use another (maybe better) syslogger in my Bering
>system ??

------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]        

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