Hi Tom,

Thanks for the response.  Yes, I did have the setup you described.

To do some packet captures for early testing, I had moved the external 
interface of the LEAF router and the internal interface of my DSL modem 
to a hub that was on the same LAN as my internal network.  I moved 
things back to the way they should have been and haven't seen the 
problem again.  If I need to capture packets in the future, I'll get 
another hub to keep the network properly segmented.


Tom Eastep wrote:

>On Fri, 17 May 2002, Brian Credeur wrote:
>>I have a LEAF Bering 1.0-rc1 system (Shorewall 1.2.8) and have 5 static
>>external IP addresses to use.  One IP is the primary of the firewall, I
>>am using proxy arp for three of the IP's (DMZ network servers), and
>>static NAT for the last IP (internal network system).  This is a similar
>>setup to the newer example network in the Shorewall documentation.
>>Everyting, seems to work just fine, with one exception.  After a long
>>period of idleness I find that I cannot connect to external and DMZ
>>hosts from the statically NAT'd system, though it can connect to
>>internal network hosts just fine.  All other connections work as
>>configured (DMZ<->internal, internal (masq'd) <->Internet, ...), so
>>appears to be an issue specific to the static NAT.
>>When the problem occurs I cannot make any TCP connections to the
>>Internet, for example, from the static NAT'd PC.  Also, if I ping an
>>Internet host, from it the packets are dropped by the firewall:
>>    Shorewall:rfc1918:DROP:IN=eth0 OUT=eth0 SRC=<static_nat_host>
>>DST=<non-internal_network_host> ...
>Do you have both sides of your firewall connected to the same hub or
>Tom Eastep    \ Shorewall - iptables made easy
>AIM: tmeastep  \ http://www.shorewall.net
>ICQ: #60745924  \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Shorewall-users mailing list

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