Hey I got my LRP up and running just great.  I think I'm running on
Eigerstein 2.  I had to make a few modifications to tune it to my needs, but
it went pretty smoothly overall... a real no-brainer.

The only thing that really gave me some trouble was getting my network cards
to work.  I am running the LRP on a 486 DX machine I believe, on about 32MB
of RAM out of which maybe on 24MB may be good and the rest failing.  Not
even the memory issues however affect the firewall, that's pretty robust and
very kewl.  The Ethernet cards are RTL8019AS ISA cards and in order to get
'em to work I had to track down some software from RealTek that told me what
base address they were running on and also (importantly), I had to take one
of my cards out of "Jumperless" mode and into "Plug and Play" mode for it to
be properly detected.

I am at the stage of sprucing it up a bit and adding packages, which is part
of the reason for writing to the mailing list.  I have installed Sniffit
v0.3.7 Beta.  It's running just great, my only problem is, due to the fact
that it is pretty much ANSI GUI, the "NET: 3 messages suppressed" message
keeps bursting in and messing up the display.  I can't find any switch to
tell it to stop doing this.  Where should I go?  I know that stopping the
NET service is no good, because I need that to run the network, so plz....
HELP ME!  :)



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