---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip Watts/austin/Nlynx on 05/23/2002
01:09 PM ---------------------------

Phillip Watts
05/23/2002 01:17 PM

To:   Matthew Schalit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: Order of PCI ethernet cards:  (Document link: Phillip Watts)

Well, I lied.  Or rather fooled myself.

Changing the mac address did not correct the order of selection.

The cards are ordered, eth0, eth1 in the same order the bios assigns
interrupts to them, regardless.

I suspect Linux could care less about the interrupts and does its own
pci scan.

I'm using 2.4.18 ( in the process of intergrating into Bering) from kernel.org
It comes with   8139too.o which depends on  mii.o.

DO YOU KNOW if mii.o is a pci-scan or if that is built into 8139too.o ?
Do you know where is source to mii.o if so?

Do you know if   'setpci' is of any value in this problem?



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