Nachman Yaakov Ziskind wrote (on Sun, Jun 02, 2002 at 03:38:56PM -0400):
| After some more poking and prodding, I found out that backup stuff lived in
| /var/lib/lrpkg. A file called 'backdisk' contains lines for each item on the
| menu, and lo and behold! - modules appears twice. Remove one line, and the
| modules get written to disk. (That's when I found out the old 3com driver was
| even worse).
| But, when I rebooted, the double menu item, with the concomitant backup
| disability. That's when I noticed that /var/lib/lrpkg/root.exclude.list had
| backdisk listed. I assumed that when I removed that exclusion, all would be
| well. I assumed wrong. :-)
| So, how do I fix the backup problem?

Never mind! <Thwack!> I had left an extra comma in syslinux.cfg. Duh. 

Now, here's where I'm stuck: attempts to ping to the external interface yield a
Type 3 error. But I haven't configured any firewall rules yet. Does it come out
of the box blocking everything?

Nachman Yaakov Ziskind, EA, LLM         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Attorney and Counselor-at-Law 
Economic Group Pension Services
Actuaries and Employee Benefit Consultants


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