"Vintage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, to change the subject, I was going through the archives and saw that
> you also had comments on the mailonerr utility.  I also read the following
> thread and got to Greg Morgan's mini-HOWTO on mail.  I get lost at his point
> 7 and from there it seems like he is trying to keep track of his dynamic ip
> address rather than have his log emailed to him.

I have since gone on and have both my IP address and logs mailed to me. 
These scripts may be useful to others.  To amuse myself, I have been
making the scripts easy to configure.  For example, you can configure
the subject line, send logs or your ip address to multiple email
addresses, specify a from user verses [EMAIL PROTECTED], and turn log
mailing or ip mailing on and off independent of each other.  

I don't have it all documented or packaged yet, but if you want the
scripts, I can send them to you.  Regardless, there is a bug fix in the
POSIXness.mail file that has to be installed in your root package.   (I
am wondering if Charles Steinkuehler's resorted to su to work around the
bug?)  Essentially, a sending email user id is missing, when you execute
any kind of SMTP email scripts from the system startup scripts or
multicron.  I know Dachstien, and Bering are affected by this problem. 
I have not pryed open Oxygen, Packet Filter, or WRP yet.  So I don't
know if they are affected by the same problem.  I believe K P
Kirchdorfer spotted the problem and offered a solution. Mailing your
logs will not work from multicron ,etc. without either the
POSIXness.mail fix or the su command installed on your system.  That is
what step seven is all about.  Since I wrote that original email I have
a deeper understand of the problem.

Hope this clarifies the step,
Greg Morgan



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