
i've come to the conclusion that bering (at least in my config)
can't reboot my machine. That said, what would be the best way
of achieving the same effect as a reboot? ie. how would I flush
everything and rerun all the startup scripts?

I need to do this, as pump is incapable of holding my cable modem
connection for more than a couple of hours. For the life of me, i
can't figure out why it works at startup and not once it's running.
Shorewall is configured to work w/ dhcp (it says so in its startup
script), and i'm allowing all connections and ports.. i can't see
any reason for a dhcp request to fail.

It's bothersome that windows can reboot my machine, and linux can't.
Windows can maintain my internet connection, linux can't. Admittedly,
I am relatively new at this, but I've literally looked everywhere
in this bering set up for a solution.


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