On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Nachman Yaakov Ziskind wrote:

> Say, how come I can't zero out the ipchains counters?

You can... some of them.

> # ipchains -nvL
> Chain input (policy ACCEPT: 15420 packets, 3599705 bytes):
> Chain forward (policy ACCEPT: 178 packets, 13155 bytes):
> Chain output (policy ACCEPT: 8343 packets, 3177138 bytes):

These are the policy counters.

> # ipchains --zero

After this command, the individual rule counters will be cleared.

I don't know how to affect the policy counters.

> # ipchains -nvL
> Chain input (policy ACCEPT: 15491 packets, 3602979 bytes):
> Chain forward (policy ACCEPT: 193 packets, 14154 bytes):
> Chain output (policy ACCEPT: 8389 packets, 3179717 bytes):
> # ipchains -V
> ipchains 1.3.10, 1-Sep-2000

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