Oops..Dachstein is another!
i am too short for another..
frankly, i'm not sure my knowledge about wireless is accurate.
so i bought a book titled 'building wireless community networks'
and i'm pleased that title and thickness..

i'll try your suggestion and thanks for your help.


>----- Original Message -----
>From: Brock Nanson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 09:33:00 -0700
>Subject: RE: wireless gateway howto..?
>This works fine with Bering.  The real catch is to be sure you've
>configured shorewall to recognize the wlan zone and forward things
>properly to the net or loc zones as necessary.
>Another possible issue would be how you've configured your wireless
>card.  You will need to set the ESSID, channel, and mode (ad-hoc) on
>both the gateway and your client.
>So I'd suggest two places to look:
>1) Shorewall to ensure all the interfaces are represented properly
>2) wireless.opts (?) to be sure the wireless devices can talk
>I'm not aware of a howto for this, but I recall Pete Dubler gave an
>explanation of how he got wireless going on the WAN side... May be some
>useful hints in there, can't recall exactly.  His site is
>dublerfamily.com/leaf.  He used Dachstein I believe, but there may be
>some hints not included in the Bering documentation that you find
>You may also find it helpful to remove the second NIC, so that you have
>only the WAN NIC and your wireless card.  If you can get that going,
>you'll be able to transition to a second card more easily perhaps.
>Otherwise, post some logs and configuration information and we might be
>able to be more helpful.
>> Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 17:23:27 +0900 (KST)
>> From: =?EUC-KR?B?sbjFwr/u?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Organization: 
>> Subject: [leaf-user] wireless gateway howto..?
>> i want to make a dual gateway box. 
>> one for wire lan(subnet) and the other for wireless lan in one box. 
>> how can i do it? 
>> i have two wire nics(rtl8139) and one wireless 
>> nic(wavelan/ieee 11mb). 
>> one rtl8139 is for external internet connection, another 
>> rtl8139 for internal network, and one wireless is for 
>> internal(?) wireless network. 
>> in fact, i have tried it with BERING, and it works good for 
>> wire lan,but for wireless i didn't know howto.. 
>> i just got two high beep(yeah, i know it means wireless nic 
>> recognized, 
>> but that's all i know) in boot process. 
>> please, give me any suggestion or advice. 
>> thanks..

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