> Jun 13 00:03:34 mikerouter dhclient: ip length 328 disagrees with bytes
> received 332.

IIRC, this is a known bug in a widly released non-linux based DHCP server
(BSD or Solaris, if memory serves).  Nothing to do about this but ignore (or
not log) the errors...or get your ISP to update their DHCP server (good luck
there :).

> Jun 13 00:03:34 mikerouter dhcpd: receive_packet failed on eth1: Network
> is down

This is the classic symptom of a bug in all dhclient packages from me except
the latest (caused by an error in translating the dhclient scripts from
ifconfig/route to iproute2).  Replace your dhclient.lrp with the lastest one
from my website (or the udhcp package recently made available, if you want
extra space!), and you should be able to correctly re-start.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)


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