Hi again

So my 'blinder' project is moving along. I got (almost) everything in
working order. I still need to do a couple of things before I start
cleaning up, and move everything into the 'proper' fhs-locations. But
none of that is really all that complicated.
There is one obstacle remaining, however, that I *am* going to need help

Using the weblet and some cgi-scripts I can now generate a crontab which
includes the original content, and has some entries added that will call
the programs to open/close my blinds at designated times.

For a number of reasons I decided to generate this file in a temporary
location, as opposed to try and edit /etc/crontab on the fly. It works,
and reliably generates the file as it should look.

My problem at this stage is getting the generated file inserted into the
system. Because of the (very sensible) fact that cgi-scripts may not
write to crontab, and setting suid on the script doesn't work either,
I'm kind of stumped on how to achieve this.

Is there a sensible way to let a cgi-script update crontab? Without
opening ridiculous security issues, like hacking sh-httpd to let cgi
execute outside of cgi-bin...

Does cron allow for 'sourcing' of additional files from /etc/crontab?
(Like adding a: . /path/to/sh-httpd/writeable/file to /etc/crontab)

Can I have cron look at a (different) crontab that is writeable by 

Most of the programming that I've already done is probably full of
security issues, as it is, but I don't worry too much about that (yet), as the
whole thing is well shielded from the Net. Evenso, I'd rather avoid
having to open up the system even further.

If anyone is curious, there's a dummy version of the form that I built
at http://bund.dk/~jon/blinder somewhere. And the function that's my
problem is with the "Commit Changes"-button... Never mind the colors/layout,
though, "I'm *not* a web-programmer" ;-P

I know this is borderline [OT], but I figure this list is my best bet at
getting some useful tips on this. Sorry if I'm being a nuisance, but


Jon Clausen


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