On Wednesday 03 July 2002 02:11, Vic Berdin wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have one query about Lynn Avant's udhcp package (that came along
> with the dachstein-ipsec-1680.bin contribution).
> I'm wondering if what the "sending ACK to [dhcp client ip]" message
> that kept on scrolling on my LRP terminal one
> really means. Everything seems to function correctly though. But why
> does this message continously scroll even if my client
> was already able to grab a dhcp lease?

Sorry for a late reply... I've been attempting to catch up with the ones
that approached my work first and didn't catch this one earlier. 
I'm assuming that you are using an older version of the udhcp package.
as this was fixed in the last revision of udhcp a month or so ago.
The fix was commenting the "notify_file" line in /etc/udhcpd.conf .

# Everytime udhcpd writes a leases file, the below script will becalled.
# Useful for writing the lease file to flash every few hours.

#notify_file                            #default: (no script)

The Dumpleases binary can be used to convert the lease information
of the dhcp server program to a more human-readable form, however
I haven't gotten around to scripting anything to make this conversion
yet. In any case, it _should_not_ be the notification file, but rather
a conversion package, so until a script is written to do a proper
conversion the above change should be made to avoid the message
being sent to the console. This change is already been made in the 
latest CVS version and linked from my leaf.sf.net/devel/ directory.

I hope this helps, 

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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