On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 11:55:50 PDT Harold Miller wrote:

> Running Bering RC3, how can I check on current DHPC leases that have been
> used to set up my INET (eth0) ethernet port,

Does RC3 still use pump by default?  If so, is "pump -s"
what you're looking for?  It enumerates DHCP interfaces
and includes a handful of configuration parameters, as
well as renewal and expiration time.  "pump --help" will
list other options.

> and is it possible for a second
> ethernet card (eth2) to pass its MAC address to the same DHCP server and get
> an IP assigned as well?

I haven't tested this, but have you tried setting

   iface eth2 inet dhcp

and issuing a "ifup eth2" command?  "ip link set eth2 up;
pump -i eth2" might also work, but again that is untested.


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