On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 00:18:24 +0200
"Marco Cintolesi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Same problem with Bering RC3 and IPSEC509 package,
> when i try to start ipsec he gives me the error:
> unable to determine address of eth0  (i have %defaultroute as interface
> in ipsec.conf)

For some reason, _startklips thinks that eth0 is your defaultinterface. 
It is not, obviously.

Type this command at a prompt and tell me what it says.

ip route show | awk '$1 == "default" { print $NF }

It should say ppp0, to avoid keeping you in suspense.  This is the command
pipeline _startklips uses to determine the defaultroute.

Also, I do not see the eth0 message in any of your barf output.  Are you
trying several different configurations perhaps, then reporting problems
with one and sending the debug output of another?  Just wondering.  That
makes things more difficult but we'll do our best.

Also, it could be a timing issue on the dialup connection.  What happens
if you allow your connection to be established, then do

/etc/init.d/ipsec restart

at a prompt?  Does the connection come up fine then?

> and i have many AH fields in the iptables -L output (AH is Authenticated
> Headers, right ???, but i cant find any note about that in the Shorewall
> rules file ......)

I cannot comment on this.  It sounds like Mr. Eastep is on the case,

Chad Carr                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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