On Sun, 28 Jul 2002, lbilyeu wrote:

> > Can you dump
> > ipchains -t nat -vnL
> > and
> > ipchains -vnL
> #
> ipchains: not found
> Bering1.0 rc3, after a random time period, the internet disappears from 
> eth0.
> I have to reboot Bering and
> power-cycle the cable modem as well.
> pump -s  gives me addresses outside of RFC1918 (65.34.x.x), so I don't 
> think that is the problem.
> The Renewal/expiration for my DHCP lease is for tomorrow.
> What logs/dumps should I be examining for Bering rc3 diagnosis?

/var/log/messages looking for "Shorewall" messages that refer to UDP ports 
67 and 68. If the message includes the string "rfc1918" then your ISP may 
be using an RFC 1918 IP address on their DHCP server and renewal is being 
blocked. The solution is to remove "norfc1918" from the entry for your 
external interface in /etc/shorewall/interfaces (note: there are other 
solutions but that one is the most foolproof).

If the messages don't include "rfc1918" then you may not have "dhcp" 
specified as an option for your external interface in 

Tom Eastep    \ Shorewall - iptables made easy
AIM: tmeastep  \ http://www.shorewall.net
ICQ: #60745924  \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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