On Sun, 04 Aug 2002 09:43:22 PDT John Desmond wrote:

Thank you for all the details John.  They really help in the
troubleshooting process.  I have snipped most of them below
to save bandwidth.

> I hope you can help me. I've been using ESb4 and its
> predecessors for about two years and decided it's time
> to upgrade to a more modern LEAF. I downloaded Bering
> V1.0-rc3 and documentation and made the suggested
> changes for my particular situation: several
> workstations behind LEAF, which is handling the pppoe
> connection to the ISP through the ADSL modem. No port
> forwarding going on. The pppoe link came up without a
> hitch but packet forwarding is not working.
> Symptoms:
> 1. I can ping the firewall from a workstation and can
> browse the weblet (nice improvements there, BTW).
> 2. I can ping the workstations and external sites from
> the firewall.
> 3. I *can't* ping ("unreachable destination") external
> sites by IP from the workstations through the
> firewall. It also causes a reject in the logs. See
> excerpt from logs below.
> 4. I *can't* ping (long delay and eventual "unknown
> host xxxxxxx") an external site by name. It also
> causes a flurry of rejects in the logs as dnscache
> tries to hit the root nameservers (which seems at odds
> with #2, above). See excerpt from logs below.
> Examples from logs.
> In response to ping from workstation, through
> firewall, to internet by IP:
> Aug 4 15:15:48 firewall kernel:
> Shorewall:FORWARD:REJECT:IN=eth1 OUT=ppp0
> SRC= DST= LEN=84 TOS=0x00
> ID=11272 SEQ=0
> In response to ping from workstation, through
> firewall, to internet by name:
> Aug 4 15:17:31 firewall kernel:
> Shorewall:OUTPUT:REJECT:IN= OUT=ppp0 SRC=
> DST= LEN=59 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64
> ID=60946 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=33411 DPT=53 LEN=39
> Aug 4 15:17:31 firewall kernel:
> Shorewall:OUTPUT:REJECT:IN= OUT=ppp0 SRC=
> DST= LEN=59 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64
> ID=53616 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=2809 DPT=53 LEN=39
> ... etc. ((many, many of these))

Hmm.  These seem contrary to your shorewall rules file.
Looks like they're hitting the default output policy of

[ big snip ]

> /etc/shorewall/interfaces
> #net     eth0         detect          dhcp,routefilter,norfc1918
> net     eth0          detect          routefilter,norfc1918
> loc   eth1            detect          routestopped

Ahh!  Notice the "OUT=ppp0" in the log entries.  Yet there's
no "ppp0" in shorewall/interfaces.  Change "eth0" to "ppp0"
and I bet your problems will go away.


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