On Thursday 15 August 2002 16:00, Craig wrote:

> I'm just puzzled at what might be different about Dachstein, which
> works perfectly, and Bering which seems to be so fussy. In both
> instances I have done almost the bare minimum to get them running. I
> have uncommented the correct driver, changed the passwords, and
> changed the firewall's name. That's it. I haven't modified anything
> else. As I said, if you want more info, I'd be happy to provide it.
> Please just let me know how I can do so. I am happy to learn. Thank
> you.


The Dachstein and Bering dhcpd package are the same. This is very
likely not at all a problem with the router(s), but more likely caused
by you changing back and forth between the two router OS's w/o 
rebooting the client machines. Win2K/XP are known to cause strange
problems with networks.... I would definately reboot the clients *after*
changing the router OS (a release/renew may not clear the tables as
expected). This could also be a MAC problem with the clients as well
if you are using two different machines when switching between the 
two. I would also follow Ray and Tom's advice, as we have NO IDEA
how your network/router are setup! The amount of information requested
may seem like too much, but we get a better look at your system so we
can offer better guesses at what might be wrong.


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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