Hi folks!
Let me first say thank you to all of you who offered help and
suggestions. After Ray's suggestions, it was obvious that Bering wasn't
issuing IP addresses to the LAN, because the dhcpd wasn't starting or
running. Well, Tom Eastep had the piece of the puzzle I was
missing...you have to add a "dhcp" entry in your
/etc/shorewall/interfaces file on the eth1 line, under the OPTIONS
category. It doesn't matter whether it's before or after the
"routestopped" entry, it just can't have any additional whitespace. I
then backed-up Shorewall and transferred that to the working directory
(the BCD\diskcontent) I was making my .iso image from. Then, just make
sure you have the dhcpd.lrp package in the directory as well, and of
course, be sure to declare the dhcpd in the isolinux.cfg file after the
LRP= ! Then, re-burn your CD and it works like a champ. Man, I feel like
that should be documented so other people don't lose as much of their
hair as I did (I look like a dog with mange now)!!! :-) Anyway, thank
you again...have a great weekend!


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