Manfred Schuler wrote:
> Hi all,
> in the last few weeks I discovered some unknown traffic on my firewall.
> I inserted a rule to log all traffic on the input and output chains and found that 
> incoming packet is neither rejected nor denied, but answered by the firewall.
> I am using a stock eigerstein2beta firewall with no port redirection and no 
> ports opened.
> What I don't understand is why the packets are not denied and who is responding to 
> packets.


I've never seen these ports before, but hey with 65K available port
numbers, there are all kinds of services available. ;-) I was curious so
I spent some time looking into your question.  I may or may not have
answered the question for you, but I guess it did give me a chance to
get up on the soap box.  >:->  (evil grin)

A port is also called a service.  The services are defined in
/etc/services.  A protocol, plus, a port number, and an ip address
equals a socket that an application uses to talk to another
application.  All this information is supplied in case you didn't know

I'd say that you didn't realize that you are running some sort of peer
to peer file sharing service, or you are running one and didn't know the
mechanics of how it works.   Perhaps you are running Kazaa?

> Aug 18 13:24:08 tunix kernel: Packet log: input - ppp0 PROTO=6 
> L=48 S=0x00 I=29010 F=0x4000 T=114 SYN (#1)

This is the first line you supplied from your log. appears
to be your current ip address supplied by your ISP. 1214 is the port
number used by the application i.e.  Notice too that
this entry is from the input chain. coughed up this with port showing Kazaa.
1214 Kazaa Morpheus or KaZaA peer to peer music/file sharing

> Aug 18 13:24:08 tunix kernel: Packet log: output - ppp0 PROTO=6 
> L=40 S=0x00 I=14602 F=0x0000 T=255 (#1)

This is the second line you supplied from your log. It is an output
chain entry. Your firewall is responding back to ip address and port 2605.  The firewall is doing its job as
NAT--network address translation.  It translates the internal network
address of your client PC to the firewall's IP address. There are a
number of services that use ports 2600 through 2606.  The name came up on one of the services list again supplied
by google.  If you look at the information I copied from their web site
below, appears to supply tools to simplify the task
a building a client sever application.  I may be speculating wildly
here, but perhaps Morpheus uses this tool in their application?

seanecovel at attbi dot com supplied this sometime ago in the thread
"Re: [leaf-user] Blocking protocols at certain times"
I found it an interesting read.  The angle of the document is how as a
network admin do I reduce the risk of all these file and instant
messaging systems?  The issue in a business is one of trust.  Do you
really trust that these applications won't become a trojan, etc.  The
question for you as an individual is, if you are running Morpheus, do
you want it serving data all the time?  peer to peer applications still
have a server component to them.  If someone finds an exploitable hole
in morpheus they can gain access to your client.  This is why web
servers are always being patched.  Known holes must be patched or the
web service will be "owned" by someone else.

Please just be aware of the issues.  You could become overly paranoid
and not use any application.  I think one of the most alarming concepts
is how companies like Microsoft feel it is their right or duty to know
about you. I not sure I'd trust aol any more on this one. MS Windows
Media Player is supposed to send data about your media playing habits to
a web site.  How are you going to block that, if they are using port 80
that all web servers use?  The firewall does not always block all
ports.  Some ports are used for other services and should be allowed
out. I bring this up because the 260x port range appear to have some
other useful ports.

Here's the batch file I run on Windows ME every once in awhile to clear
the MS media database, which includes the number of times you have
played a song.  The location is in a slightly differenct place on MS
Windows 2000 and MS Windows XP.
@echo off
Rem kill wmp database
cd "C:\WINDOWS\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Index"
attrib -r *.*
del WMPLIBrary*.*

I hope this helps,

P.S. here's the other port info and stuff on Network Sciences.
# Ports numbered 2600 through 2606 are used by the zebra package without
# being registered.  The primary names are the registered names, and the
# unregistered names used by zebra are listed as aliases.
hpstgmgr        2600/tcp        zebrasrv        # HPSTGMGR
hpstgmgr        2600/udp                        # HPSTGMGR
discp-client    2601/tcp        zebra           # discp client
discp-client    2601/udp                        # discp client
discp-server    2602/tcp        ripd            # discp server
discp-server    2602/udp                        # discp server
servicemeter    2603/tcp        ripngd          # Service Meter
servicemeter    2603/udp                        # Service Meter
nsc-ccs         2604/tcp        ospfd           # NSC CCS
nsc-ccs         2604/udp                        # NSC CCS
nsc-posa        2605/tcp        bgpd            # NSC POSA
nsc-posa        2605/udp                        # NSC POSA
netmon          2606/tcp        ospf6d          # Dell Netmon
netmon          2606/udp                        # Dell Netmon
nsc = on port 2605?
     A multi-platform subsystem that: 
          conforms to all of the TCP/IP connectivity specifications and
          expertly performs error recovery. 
         relieves applications programmers of TCP/IP minutia and
         connectivity requirements. 
         is designed with total unattended operations as an objective. 

     A client / server application that: 

          uses the NSC Open Client / Server to concentrate, switch
          reformat messages between originating clients and target
          connects to multiple clients that use unlike message formats.

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