>>           The domain-name-servers  option  specifies  a  list  of
>>           Domain  Name  System  (STD  13,  RFC 1035) name servers
>>           available to the client.  Servers should be  listed  in
>>           order of preference.
>Yes, DHCP server can send the DNS settings, however in WISP-Dist pump is run 
>with "-d" command. If you want you can modify the /etc/network/ifup script and 
>remove "-d" option from pump parameters.

I modified ifup as you suggested and removed the entries in wdistconfig, saveconfig 
and rebooted and still can not resolve 
any names.ping is say host lookup named failed. BTW - is there a "script" package for 
LEAF ? Any ideas what could be 
wrong ? My windows box, which is also a dhcp client has no problem resolving hostnames.

David Ondzes

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