Thanks for the reply. I've removed the contents of the pump.conf and
/etc/default/pump files, and restarted the system. At about 1130AM PST I
should know if this corrects the problem.

My routing / Nat / and MASQ files probably also have inconsistancies in
them, I know I'm using the same IP in 2 places on the same sub-net, but it


 > First of all, from the info you described, eth4 is not using pump
> to get a
> DHCP lease; you are assigning it a static address in
> /etc/network/interfaces, as follows:
>          iface eth4 inet static
>                          address
>                          masklen 24
>                          broadcast
>                          gateway
> Your pump config line is inconsistent with this, as it does list
> eth4, but
> I *think* the interfaces setting takes precedence.
> Second, dhcp clients *can* ask for leases with specific time
> requirements.
> The "max-lease"time" statement in dhcpd.conf, for example, is there to
> prevent a DHCP *server* from issuing long licenses even if the client
> requests a long one. Since I don't know what DHCP server software
> your ISP
> runs, I can't say what it might be doing with respect to default and
> maximum lease values.
> To specify a particular lease time in your pump request, you use the -l
> command-line argument, providing a value in hours. The man page I
> have does
> not specify an equivalent config-file directive. Nor does it tell me if
> pump has a default setting.
> dhcpd is a DHCP server, so its config files are relevant only to
> your LAN,
> not the external leases.
> I'm sorry that none of this feedback is specific to Bering. I don't run
> Bering herw, which is why I didn't reply first time around. Since
> you asked
> a second time, I thought I would at least tell you what I could, in the
> hope that you might be able to figure out for yourself how to apply this
> info to the specifics of the Berign setup.
> I think that if I were you, I'd just find out what the addresses are for
> eth0 and eth1, and assign them as static entries in
> /etc/network/interfaces. Two years is forever with respect to IP
> addresses.
> At 03:33 PM 8/20/02 -0700, Harold Miller wrote:
> >Is there a better place for me to ask this question?
> >----------------------------------------------------
> >
> >I'm running Bering RC3. I have an internal net that my fw is
> supplying dhcp
> >service to on eth3. I also need to get a dhcp lease on my INTERNET access
> >connections (eth0, eth1 and eth4). They are supposed to be a 2 year lease
> >(sorta static-IP). Eth4 seems to be getting the 2 year lease,
> eth0 and eth1
> >lose their IP# after 12 hours.
> >
> >Right now I'm running both pump and dhcpd packages.
> >
> >My ISP is telling me - "Looking at the DHCP log, it appears that a 2 year
> >lease is assigned, then quickly changed to 12 hours.  They made
> a couple of
> >changes on the scope, but we can't figure out why you are the
> only one with
> >these symptoms. "
> >
> >Where can I see the information (Lease duration) that I am being given?
> >
> >Is it possible that the Bering fw is modifying the lease time?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Harold Miller
> >
> >----------
> >/etc/pump.conf contains:
> >retries 3
> >script "/etc/pump.shorewall"
> >device eth0 {
> >         nodns
> >}
> >device eth1 {
> >         nodns
> >}
> >device eth4 {
> >         nodns
> >}
> >---------------------
> >/etc/dhcpd.conf contains:
> >dynamic-bootp-lease-length 604800;
> >max-lease-time 1209600;
> >
> >subnet netmask {
> >     option routers;
> >     option domain-name "";
> >     option domain-name-servers
> >     range;
> >}
> >-------------------------------
> >/etc/default/pump contains:
> >IFACES=eth0,eth1,eth4
> >--------------------------------
> >/etc/network/interfaces contains:
> >auto lo
> >iface lo inet loopback
> >auto eth0
> >iface eth0 inet dhcp
> >auto eth1
> >iface eth1 inet dhcp
> >auto eth2
> >iface eth2 inet static
> >         address
> >         masklen 24
> >         broadcast
> >auto eth3
> >iface eth3 inet static
> >         address
> >         masklen 24
> >         broadcast
> >auto eth4
> >iface eth4 inet static
> >         address
> >         masklen 24
> >         broadcast
> >         gateway
> --
> -------------------------------------------"Never tell me the
> odds!"--------
> Ray Olszewski                                 -- Han Solo
> Palo Alto, California, USA                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------

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