[This was originally posted to the LRP mailing list, where I was spat upon

I'm running LRP, more exactly Dachstein (thx for all your work Charles!).
I've been running LRP for many a year and everything  works great.  What I
need is an idea.  This may be a bit OT, but I'm looking for advice from
someone who's used LRP or BusyBox extensively.  Here's the problem:

I've opened samba ports for my static IP @ home, and it works great.
However, a co-worker is not as fortunate to have a static IP.  How do I
dynamically punch a hole for him (ports 137-139, 445) so he can access our
samba server too?  The most straightforward solution I could find is for him
to ssh into the LRP box and open the ports himself (...and then close
them!).  This could be automated via a script (i.e. "/usr/bin/opensesame").  However, this is a bit of a pain and for users not as computer
literate as my co-worker it would not even be an option.  Has anyone run
into this before, what creative solutions have you found?  Is there a
de-facto way you guys do this sort of thang?


In remembrance
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