I'm running 2.2.20-Leaf on my machine. I have a couple of issues. First let 
me explain my setup. I have the initial LRP bootup sequence running on a 
floppy formatted for 1680. The floppy has the basic packages. etc, home, 
ipmask, ipmasq, usr,  init, ctar, apkg, dhcpcd and a few others. It finds 
the first nic card on boot up and gets an ip via dhcp from my domain 
controller. It then loads the packages that are on the floppy. Once it has 
finished loading the floppy packages it supposed to open an ftp connection 
and ftp and install the packages from a second linux machine on my network.

Now on to the problems. The first problem is that the system doesn't seem 
to be installing the etc package. When the bootup finish I get a
(none) login: instead of the machine name login. So preceding to the login, 
if I put in valid username and password I get the following error.

'/bin/bash: 10: Syntax error end of file unexpected ( expecting "}"). So I 
can't even get into the system to make any changes. Now there is one other 
problem that happens before the login prompt appears. During the ftp 
sequence, out of the 18 packages only 6 make it successfully. The other 
packages give an error stating. "Segmentation Fault fetching err."  I 
checked the ftp log on the non-firewall linux machine to see if there is 
anything going on it. And it doesn't have anything but the successful 

Can someone help me?

James Williams

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