Hi Eric, 

        My experience with linux in general and Bering/Dachstein in particular 
is such that I would not venture even the possibility of a bug in linuxrc. I'm 
pretty sure its my fault, and you've probably got much more heavy lifting to 
do than messing about with this.
        Having said that though, inserting "LRP=lrpkg.cfg" in the appropriate 
place in syslinux.cfg *does* seem to work(around). I put lrpkg.cfg on the 
2nd floppy and the packages load normally once I change disks. Cool!

-ben, adding the list back in, because it's there.

                                        ------Original Message------

> Hello Ben,  
> The problem is also probably a bug in linuxrc 
> you are right that things should have functioned if in lrpkg.cfg the 
> packages are specified.
> I will take a look at it and post back on the list
> Regards
> Eric 
> >     Hi Eric,
> > And thanks. You were right about not having any packages declared in 
> > syslinux.cfg. When I inserted LRP=root,etc,local............. it worked out as 
> > expected, but I was under the impression that I could defeat the 255 byte 
> > limitation by using lrpkg.cfg? 

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