I removed p9100 from syslinux.cfg I still get:
Right at the end
Starting additional networking services:
dnscache queries allowed from 192.168
dnscache queries allowed from
Starting dnscache without daemontools ...
Starting LaBrea Tarpitpcap_lookupnet(eth0): SIOCGIFADDR: eth0: Cannot assign requested address.
Linux Router 4.0.6 firewall tty1

I think LaBrea must have problems with pppoe. I just leave box without LaBrea its not a must have package.
Thanks for help

Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

C. Dummy wrote:

Hi I'm running Dachstein 1.02 with pppoe and with printer server(protocol RAW port 9100).. I have installed LaBrea. I edited both files in /etc listing my used network adresses. When I boot lrp box I get message:
P-lookupnet(eth0): SIOCGIFADDR:eth0:cannot assign requested address
I tried to look in geocrawler but there is not to much about LaBrea there? Anybody has any idea how to fix that?
Thanks for help

It's hard to say what's going on here. Exactly when does the above error occur? You mention it's at boot time, but a lot of stuff is happening. Without any context, it's hard to guess what might be causing this error.

Running the printer server and LaBrea are both very non-standard configurations, and PPPoE could be causing problems as well. With the lack of any detailed configuration information, about the only thing I can suggest for trying to fix things is see if you can isolate the problem to a particular Package (perhaps LaBrea or your print server), then see if you can figure out what in the init scripts is breaking.

WARNING: As I have said many times before, LaBrea can be a *VERY* nasty program when used improperly, and has the potential to completely disrupt otherwise normal networks (meaning you can easily break not only your upstream network connection, but potentially the connections of lots of your neighbors, as well...in some cases, human intervention by your ISP's IT staff may even be required to get things back to normal). You should not be using LaBrea unless you completely understand how it works, and understand how it will interact with both your network and the network of your upstream provider. There should be several good e-mails on configuring LaBrea in the list archives, if you still want to take the plunge...

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