On Tue, 17 Dec 2002, Heriberto Höhlke wrote:

> Hello
> I have built a Bering boot CD following the instructions of LEAF Bering
> User's Guide, saving the configuration on diskette, and it works well.. I
> created two Boot CDs, one CD-R and the other CD-RW. Now, I'm trying to
> backup all on a CD-RW, but I don't find information. There was only a short
> reference in paragraph 8.5 of the Guide.

That text refers to generation of a CD-RW on a development workstation...
not for use in backup.

> My initrd.lrp on the CD contains:
>   cdrom
>   ide-mod
>   ide-cd
>   ide-probe-mod
>   isofs
> I would like if someone gives me some information about it.

The modules you have installed are appropriate for booting from an IDE
cdrom drive.

Writing a CD-R or CD-RW in Linux typically involves the use of the mkisofs
tool to generate the image, and cdrecord to write it to the media.  
Cdrecord only works with SCSI logical devices, so if you have an IDE
CD-R/RW drive then you have to use the ide-scsi.o module.  See the Linux
CD-R Howto for more information on this procedure.

As far as I know, no-one currently writes backups to CDRW directly from
Bering... the packages are perfected on a combination CD/floppy or CD/hard
disk configuration, and the packages stored on the floppy or hd are then
transferred to the CDRW image on the development machine so the floppy or
hard disk becomes unnecessary.  (Note that many older machines typically
used for routers would not have sufficient memory or cpu speed to use
mkisofs/cdrecord anyway, so this has not been a significant problem.)

This process may be cumbersome, but it eliminates concerns about having
your firewall image trojaned in case a cracker gets through the firewall.  
(If they get through the firewall, they can still trojan the memory image,
but a reboot clears that out. You would still need to patch the original
hole, but you can trust a rebooted system if the network is disconnected.)

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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                                      Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...2k

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