> Saw the following in my syslog
> Jan  3 15:17:12 ardentpursuit portsentry[1120]: attackalert: External
> command run for host: using command: "/root/add2chain
> 12345"
> Did that command actually run, or did portsentry prevent it from running?

No, you weren't hacked. This is the normal output of Portsentry when it
detects a portscan.
You don't have to worry about that!

BUT you have to worry about your Portsentry configuration. The "command run
for host" is defined in /etc/portsentry.conf with the "KILL_ROUTE"
statement. On my Dachstein box, it looks as follows:
KILL_ROUTE="/sbin/ipchains -I input -s $TARGET$ -j DENY -l"

I don't know if you're using Portsentry 2.0 and probably 2.0 has a
"add2chain" script but usually, you use the normal ipchains command to add a
"bad" host to the blacklist.
If there isn't a file "add2chain" in /root then Portsentry does nothing
because the command it executes to block a host is not valid/there.
If there IS such a file, I'd check what it does.... (perhaps it just
contents the same line as I have (/sbin/ipchains ....))

Hope this helps


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